In 2014, the new National Curriculum was implemented in all maintained state schools. At Bolham Primary School we follow the National Curriculum and the locally agreed syllabus for R.E, and have worked hard to tailor the curriculum to meet the specific learning needs of our pupils.
We provide a wide range of exciting learning opportunities and challenges for our pupils such as performing at the Young Voices Concert, our Escot and PGL residential experiences and visits to venues such as We The Curious. We engage with local community groups and national business through involvement in the STEM Jaguar Project, Rotary Club public speaking competitions and the physically demanding the Exmoor Challenge. As a member of the Tiverton Co-Operative Learning Partnership our pupils also benefit from participation in local sports competitions such as The Wilcombe Wobbler and community events such as The Lantern Parade.
Our Bolham Primary School Curriculum Intent Statements provide parents and carers with information about how we implement our curriculum whilst our Curriculum Progression Maps show what pupils are expected to know or be able to do to achieve the expected standards in each curriculum subject at the end of the EYFS,KS1,lower KS2 and upper KS2.
Each term, we publish our Curriculum Maps for each class and alongside our Curriculum Rolling Programme this provides parents and carers with information about the type of learning activities their children will be undertaking over the year and throughout the term. Our families then have with the information they might like in order to plan a family day out linked to the learning theme, read books associated with the topic or have a discussion about the learning that has taken place in a particular subject.
Curriculum Intent Statements
Curriculum Progression Maps
Curriculum Rolling Programme